Geospatial Data Map: Real Estate
Posted on May 1, 2018 • 1 minutes • 142 words
The following interactive map was created in R using the Shiny App. It dynamically depicts the increases in the mean, median, and normalized sales price per census tract neighborhood.
Increase in Median Sales Price in Davidson County, 2013-2016 (%)
This map was created as part of my senior honor’s thesis at Vanderbilt University. For the project, I extracted over 60,000 real estate transactions from the Nashville Property Assesor’s office API using python scripts to make a comprehensive record of all sales in Davidson County between 2013 and 2016. I then matched that data to US Census and American Community Survey Tract Demographic information to investigate gentrification trends. I was ultimately able to make conclusions about which demographics and communities are most vulnerable.
Read more about the Vanderbilt Institute for Smart Operations Research, which sponsored the project and whose website I designed, here.